Donate your blood for a reason, let the reason be life.

Is Blood Donation Safe For All?

Is Blood Donation Safe for Everyone ?

Donating blood is not suitable for everyone. In case the individuals exhibiting cetain medical state, suffering transplats etc. tend to donate blood then they may encounter some side effects or serious complications. The might experience some side effects such as pain, unconsciousness. vomiting, weakness and so on. There exhibits certain rules and guidelines that the donor need to follow before dontaing blood and they includes;

  •   Be in good health (free of infections, viruses, and other disqualifying diseases) Weigh 110 pounds or more
  •   Be 17 years of age or older (parental consent is required for 16-year-olds)
  •   Not have donated within the preceding eight weeks (except for specific situations, such as with platelets or other blood product donations)
  •   Be free of HIV or other infectious diseases
  •   Not be pregnant
  •   Not have traveled to a high-risk country within the last three years
  •   Not have gotten a tattoo within the last year

  • In most cases, there is minimal risk of side effects. According to the American Cancer Society, reactions from blood donation are rare and generally minor if they occur. If you have any concerns about donating blood, you can consult with your primary care physician as to whether you’re a good candidate.